jail man 4.67   Both men have been jailed.
  jail leader 2.50   U.N. team to meet with jailed opposition leader.
  jail people 2.37   Eighteen people were jailed.
  jail journalist 2.04   Many journalists have been jailed.
  jail member 1.84   Two other Jamaa members were jailed for three years.
  jail suspect 1.45   The suspects were jailed.
  jail opponent 1.38   Kabila banned political parties and jailed his opponents.
  jail dissident 1.32   Dissidents were jailed or just disappeared.
  jail hundred 1.32   Hundreds have been jailed.
  jail official 1.32   I had to fight sex-starved men and even jail officials.
  jail thousand 1.25   Mubarak has jailed thousands of suspected members.
  jail woman 1.25   But the court did not jail the woman.
  jail activist 1.05   Some activists have been jailed for visiting the North without permission.
  jail father 0.86   My father was jailed because he was for the revolution.
  jail offender 0.86   Third-time offenders can be jailed for six months.
  jail time 0.86   Some jail time.
  jail dozen 0.79   Dozens were jailed.
  jail militant 0.79   Bush said Arafat must back up the tough talk by jailing Hamas militants who attack Israeli civilians.
  jail officer 0.72   As a result, three officers were jailed.
  jail critic 0.66   He stifled the press, jailed critics and permitted only one party.
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