invasive procedure 4.08   Another invasive procedure.
  invasive surgery 2.70   Symbiosis makes devices used in minimally invasive surgery.
  invasive species 1.65   Case is chagrined to see another invasive species come to California.
  invasive cancer 0.92   And a small percentage have invasive cancer.
  invasive plant 0.92   It cited invasive plants as one threat.
  invasive heart 0.79   And there are competing approaches to minimally invasive heart repair.
  invasive technique 0.66   Customers balked at the invasive technique, which required rewriting of computer code.
  invasive test 0.46   If not, he will have more invasive tests next week.
  invasive infection 0.33   The vaccine, called Prevnar, prevents invasive pneumococcal infections.
  invasive treatment 0.33   When she heard about a new minimally invasive treatment, she decided to try it.
  invasive device 0.26   Boston Scientific bought Target to boost its line of minimally invasive surgical devices.
  invasive method 0.26   Researchers are studying a less invasive method.
  invasive operation 0.26   But this is an invasive operation that often leads to sexual impotence, incontinence and carries the danger of complications.
  invasive weed 0.26   Yet I was throwing out a hundred that had become invasive weeds.
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