interracial marriage 4.67   Chart shows rise in interracial marriages.
  interracial couple 3.49   Interracial couples are common.
  interracial adoption 1.05   The debate over interracial adoptions has united some old enemies.
  interracial relationship 0.92   But interracial relationships just went against his upbringing.
  interracial sex 0.92   State laws criminalized interracial sex and marriage.
  interracial romance 0.59   An interracial romance ensues.
  interracial family 0.53   The documentary covers two years in the life of an interracial family.
  interracial friendship 0.33   Hourlong drama about an interracial friendship.
  interracial union 0.33   However, the interracial union caused stirrings in Macon.
  interracial child 0.26   Some individuals even acknowledged relations and bore interracial children.
  interracial group 0.26   He was among an interracial group of Episcopal clergymen traveling through the South to break down racial barriers.
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