intentional walk 13.69   Intentional walk.
  intentional foul 2.57   It was an intentional foul.
  intentional infliction 2.50   They also charge defamation and intentional infliction of emotional distress.
  intentional discrimination 1.58   Nationwide denied any intentional discrimination.
  intentional murder 1.38   But the intentional mass murder of innocent people is not.
  intentional grounding 1.18   He had been called for intentional grounding.
  intentional act 0.72   The jury has to Decide whether the killing was an intentional act.
  intentional wrongdoing 0.72   And Trie denied any intentional wrongdoing in his political fund-raising.
  intentional pass 0.53   The fans booed their own team when an intentional pass was issued.
  intentional effort 0.39   He said there was no intentional effort to mislead anyone or to hide the information.
  intentional homicide 0.39   Rashid was found guilty of intentional homicide and placing explosives on an aircraft.
  intentional misconduct 0.33   He found no intentional misconduct but determined that the tragedy could have been avoided.
  intentional call 0.26   Hafer did not dispute the intentional call foul.
  intentional contact 0.26   Checking and other intentional contact are not allowed.
  intentional harm 0.26   The birds still are protected from intentional harm or killing under the act.
  intentional interference 0.26   The Dodgers argued for an intentional interference call, but it was to no avail.
  intentional tort 0.26   In intentional torts the defence operates in the form of consent.
  intentional violation 0.26   Intentional violation of the rule is a felony.
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