intense than 7.50   It was much more intense than that.
  intense in 6.32   The scrutiny is intense in New York.
  intense as 3.82   The competition will be as intense as ever.
  intense for 2.70   It is too intense for kids.
  intense on 1.71   Cindy is intense on this issue.
  intense with 1.65   They are intense with chocolate and incredibly good.
  intense about 0.92   Once fans get intense about a sport, trouble follows.
  intense among 0.72   The debate has become intense among some hunters.
  intense during 0.66   Sometimes I get overly intense during the game.
  intense of 0.66   The strikes were the most intense of the war.
  intense to 0.66   His mood ranged from intense to jovial.
  intense at 0.59   Their rivalry will probably be at its most intense at the French Open.
  intense around 0.53   Bombing was particularly intense around Prizren.
  intense over 0.46   A few storms could become very intense over northeast Florida.
  intense since 0.33   The recent skirmishing in Iraq is the most intense since last July and August.
  intense after 0.26   Media attention was intense immediately after the killings as police hinted that Simpson might be a suspect.
  intense without 0.26   You have to be intense without being tense.
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