insufficient evidence 28.44   Insufficient evidence, said the authorities.
  insufficient fund 2.57   Insufficient funds !
  insufficient time 1.97   Other fans blamed insufficient training time prior to the cup.
  insufficient information 1.91   I guess there is insufficient direct information about Italy.
  insufficient attention 1.32   The failing of the more usual critique lies in its insufficient attention to empirical practice.
  insufficient supply 1.32   The northern states normally suffer from insufficient supplies.
  insufficient ground 0.99   Most were found to have insufficient grounds.
  insufficient proof 0.99   Lizarralde was the second to be set free on grounds of insufficient proof.
  insufficient support 0.99   But a protective bandage was insufficient support and he struggled through in pain.
  insufficient datum 0.92   I retired on insufficient data.
  insufficient number 0.92   Asterisks indicate that there was an insufficient number of respondents.
  insufficient food 0.79   Runaways have reported insufficient food, clothing, and medical care.
  insufficient blood 0.72   Ischaemia is a disease involving insufficient blood flow into an organ.
  insufficient capacity 0.72   Ecuador uses the Colombian pipeline due to insufficient domestic capacity.
  insufficient government 0.72   Energia has blamed delays on insufficient government funding.
  insufficient protection 0.72   But the antitrust laws are insufficient protection.
  insufficient resource 0.72   Insufficient resources have been devoted to the health service.
  insufficient money 0.66   The delayed match typified last-minute problems blamed on poor planning and insufficient money.
  insufficient training 0.66   Others involved insufficient training.
  insufficient reason 0.59   He said he agreed with players who believe the excuse was insufficient reason for Korda to escape a ban.
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