inspection be 11.52   Inspections are infrequent.
  inspection take 3.95   The TEST inspection never took place.
  inspection reveal 3.29   Closer inspection reveals everything still.
  inspection resume 2.50   For now, routine inspections have resumed.
  inspection find 2.37   An inspection found no sign of fire.
  inspection show 2.11   Closer inspection shows why.
  inspection begin 1.78   Those inspections began a year ago.
  inspection continue 1.38   Inspections continue.
  inspection go 0.99   Another question was how long the inspections will go on.
  inspection last 0.99   Each inspection lasts one to two months.
  inspection end 0.86   When should U.N. inspections end?
  inspection include 0.59   The inspection would include wings, engine supports and rudder hinges.
  inspection come 0.53   The state-run Iraqi News Agency said the inspections came during mid-year exams.
  inspection occur 0.53   But he could not say how often those inspections occur.
  inspection turn 0.53   Those inspections turned up widespread wire chafing.
  inspection uncover 0.53   And loans can still be delayed by problems uncovered by inspections.
  inspection violate 0.46   Iraq says such inspections violate its sovereignty.
  inspection determine 0.33   Butler said the initial inspections would determine what follows.
  inspection follow 0.33   A final inspection follows.
  inspection have 0.33   Inspections would have to be concluded in two or three weeks with an eventual second phase.
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