insider information 3.29   What better insider information do you need?
  insider sale 2.11   So are the insider sales, analysts say.
  insider knowledge 1.65   Lazio denied any insider knowledge.
  insider deal 1.25   Bank executives made insider deals for themselves, just as some Enron insiders did.
  insider case 1.18   Most insider trading cases are handled as civil matters.
  insider charge 0.86   Pinez is sitting in jail this morning on a federal insider trading charge.
  insider dealing 0.53   The deals were widely criticized for signs of insider dealings and bid-rigging.
  insider investigation 0.53   Few details of the insider investigation are known publicly.
  insider status 0.53   The businessman quickly lost his insider status after the votes were in.
  insider trade 0.53   Check the size of insider trades.
  insider trader 0.53   Backed by a new law, regulators have taken aim at insider traders.
  insider say 0.46   But, insiders say, that was mostly because of bad news on earnings over which she had no control.
  insider scandal 0.46   Its major investors include ex-Communists implicated in an insider trading scandal.
  insider tip 0.46   The insider tip for the future would have been nylon.
  insider activity 0.39   Most of the time, investors focus on insider activity in individual stocks.
  insider purchase 0.39   Insider purchases are more telling than insider sales.
  insider connection 0.26   She is a curious outsider with a few good insider connections.
  insider transaction 0.26   Insider transactions are a good predictor of things to come for a reason.
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