insatiable appetite 4.74   He has an insatiable appetite for media attention.
  insatiable demand 1.58   But the high cost of TV ads has created a virtually insatiable demand.
  insatiable desire 1.12   She had an insatiable desire for publicity.
  insatiable need 1.12   The man has an insatiable need to know.
  insatiable curiosity 0.79   I have insatiable curiosity about food.
  insatiable hunger 0.66   The insatiable hunger for anything new and shrink-wrapped.
  insatiable thirst 0.59   Same insatiable thirst for life.
  insatiable lust 0.39   Yet I am coming back to Atlanta with an insatiable lust for green Jell-O.
  insatiable craving 0.26   Not every overweight person has an uncontrollable appetite or insatiable cravings.
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