ingest drug 1.32   Drugs are ingested.
  ingest bacterium 0.59   E. coli bacteria must be ingested to cause infection.
  ingest substance 0.59   ...side effects occurring in fish that ingest this substance.
  ingest poison 0.53   Scavengers can ingest the poison.
  ingest amount 0.46   Vomitoxin causes animals to vomit if they ingest just a small amount.
  ingest dust 0.39   Lead, a highly toxic element, can cause damage to the brain and nervous system if its dust is ingested or inhaled.
  ingest food 0.39   Only in the past few days has he been able to ingest solid foods.
  ingest mercury 0.39   Fish ingested the mercury, and people ate the fish.
  ingest toxin 0.39   She was not known to have ingested any toxins.
  ingest cocaine 0.26   Sotomayor denies knowingly ingesting the cocaine that showed up on drug tests during the games.
  ingest heroin 0.26   Horses can test positive for morphine after ingesting heroin.
  ingest lead 0.26   Children who ingest lead can suffer brain damage.
  ingest meat 0.26   Then when the meat is ingested, the bacterium grow and cause illness.
  ingest oil 0.26   Even lightly-oiled birds were dying as they ingested oil while attempting to preen themselves clean.
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