inform police 9.02   The hospital informed police.
  inform public 7.90   But note the emphasis on the words informed public.
  inform authority 6.98   They must also inform judicial authorities.
  inform government 4.15   But Harris denied his government had been informed.
  inform official 4.08   He said he informed USOC officials of his decision last week.
  inform family 3.95   We have informed the families.
  inform people 3.88   We felt we had to inform people, not move them.
  inform customer 2.70   And it requires them to inform their customers annually of that policy.
  inform member 2.30   The other informed church members of new appointments.
  inform employee 2.17   Pernu said employees were informed Tuesday.
  inform patient 2.11   The panel also said patients were not informed of the experiments.
  inform parent 1.97   Parents are informed by note if their child has lice.
  inform worker 1.78   Workers were informed by letter of their termination.
  inform consumer 1.58   These ads are helpful because they inform consumers.
  inform player 1.51   I want my players informed.
  inform resident 1.51   Gonzalez said his office has gone out of its way to inform residents.
  inform leader 1.38   Nor did they inform congressional leaders.
  inform reader 1.38   My goal is to educate and inform readers about wine.
  inform relative 1.38   She said TWA had failed to inform the relatives of the boy.
  inform team 1.38   He said the team had been informed of the decision.
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