inflammatory bowel 9.48   Its potential use in inflammatory bowel disease deserves clinical trials.
  inflammatory statement 3.09   Hungarians have made inflammatory statements about needing local autonomy.
  inflammatory disease 2.30   Asthma, too, is an inflammatory disease.
  inflammatory rhetoric 1.97   Inflammatory anti-American rhetoric, however, has lessened.
  inflammatory remark 1.78   Official says Japan should cease inflammatory remarks.
  inflammatory response 1.71   In the upper half of the jejunum they cause a noticeable inflammatory response.
  inflammatory cell 1.32   Eosinophils were not evident in the inflammatory cell infiltrate.
  inflammatory speech 1.25   Further talk of tighter laws on inflammatory speech.
  inflammatory comment 0.99   But Sheffield issued new, inflammatory comments on a daily basis.
  inflammatory mediator 0.86   Inflammatory mediators are biological molecules that help trigger inflammation.
  inflammatory language 0.79   Hawkins said leaders of all races seemed to be keeping the inflammatory language to a minimum.
  inflammatory reaction 0.79   ...the inflammatory reactions that occur in asthma.
  inflammatory disorder 0.72   It is neither an inflammatory disorder nor a degenerative disease.
  inflammatory process 0.53   The mechanisms underlying the inflammatory process are poorly understood.
  inflammatory change 0.46   With the viral reactivation, inflammatory changes occur in dorsal root ganglia and nerve roots.
  inflammatory word 0.46   His inflammatory words raised an interesting question.
  inflammatory condition 0.39   The function of the cellular immune system affects both chronic inflammatory conditions as well as infectious diseases.
  inflammatory infiltrate 0.39   The lesion consists of loosely arranged fibrovascular connective tissue with a variable inflammatory infiltrate including eosinophils.
  inflammatory issue 0.39   Theatrical nudity soon ceased to be an inflammatory issue.
  inflammatory leaflet 0.39   Gone are the Hamas rallies, the inflammatory leaflets.
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