infinite number 2.57   There are an infinite number of styles out there.
  infinite variety 2.50   What he had was infinite variety.
  infinite patience 0.99   A man possessed of infinite patience.
  infinite possibility 0.99   Infinite possibilities!
  infinite wisdom 0.79   The board, in its infinite wisdom, has Decided to give Waters back his job.
  infinite amount 0.59   I have an infinite amount of love for them.
  infinite capacity 0.46   It is all part of the seemingly infinite national capacity to recite verse.
  infinite space 0.46   One minute Krishna is God, his blue skin symbolic of infinite space.
  infinite supply 0.46   Olympic baseball tickets in infinite supply.
  infinite time 0.46   We live suspended in infinite time and space.
  infinite variation 0.39   Infinite variations of a scene can be stored and called up for review and comparison.
  infinite care 0.33   He took such infinite care over every word.
  infinite density 0.33   Would it collapse to infinite density?
  infinite depth 0.26   Until then, the All-Star guard had been in a hole of infinite depth.
  infinite loop 0.26   This has been true in every infinite loop of the volatile technology industry.
  infinite mercy 0.26   God, in His infinite mercy, has given us a chance to win over the one dark side we may all possess.
  infinite potential 0.26   Before the games start, the Sox have infinite potential.
  infinite way 0.26   Their children have disappointed them, in the infinite ways that children can.
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