include make 1.05   The Blazers, still over the cap, needed Curley included to make the deal work.
  include involve 0.79   Department officials, including lawyers involved in the case, declined to comment.
  include write 0.66   More posters, including some written in English, will go up later Tuesday, he said.
  include hold 0.59   The initial offer will not include shares held by U.S. residents, Onex said.
  include call 0.53   Three men, including one called Andrew Cunningham, were brought to the surface to erect the fence.
  include base 0.46   The list includes companies based in Libya and the former Soviet Union, as well as Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein.
  include relate 0.46   The official, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said the talks included matters related to Federal Express Corp.
  include use 0.46   All the neighbouring homes, including one used by Albanian President Sali Berisha, were stripped bare.
  include own 0.39   In Tennessee, the company manages eight prisons and jails, including one owned by the state.
  include send 0.39   Packages containing toxic substances found in Britain, including one sent to Prime Minister Tony Blair, official says.
  include wear 0.39   These included gems worn by Queen Mary, including a diamond and pearl tiara, and jewelry once owned by Queen Alexandra.
  include aim 0.33   The list includes volumes aimed at investing sophisticates and novices, and includes some surprises.
  include be 0.33   Many of the recommendations are already under way as well as being included in the consent decree.
  include broker 0.33   Several cease-fires have collapsed without ever going into effect, including a deal brokered in Egypt last month by Clinton.
  include cause 0.33   No other details, including what caused the fire, were given.
  include convict 0.33   Prisoners, including those convicted of aiding terrorism, are freed when foreign pressure demands it.
  include devote 0.33   Its Web investments include sites devoted to travel and personal finance, but the company has backed off from some ventures.
  include find 0.33   None of the rounds, including that found on the ground, appeared to have hit the White House itself.
  include issue 0.33   Three government reports debunking UFO theories, including one issued last week, have done little to convince the UFO community.
  include lead 0.33   Three groups now remain as bidders, including one led by CEI Citicorp Holdings.
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