impact be 55.37   And the impact was gradual.
  impact have 1.91   How much impact has free agency had?
  impact come 1.71   Then came the impact.
  impact cause 1.32   Minor impacts can cause holes.
  impact remain 1.18   But his impact remains.
  impact send 1.05   The impact sent shockwaves across the town.
  impact depend 0.99   How much impact he has depends on what level he plays.
  impact occur 0.99   The greatest impact would occur with a major earthquake along the full Hayward Fault.
  impact go 0.92   The impact goes beyond money.
  impact vary 0.72   The impact varies.
  impact become 0.66   Now the impact is becoming clear.
  impact shatter 0.66   She remembers that the impact shattered the windows.
  impact seem 0.59   And truly its impact seemed magical.
  impact leave 0.53   The big impact left the little fizzle.
  impact appear 0.46   Either way, the impact on landlords appears to be minimal.
  impact create 0.46   The impact created a hole through the wall.
  impact spread 0.46   Impact spreads quickly in Washington.
  impact begin 0.39   Now a dominant presence, Russell is reaching the point where his impact is beginning to exceed all expectations.
  impact break 0.39   The impact broke the Chinese fighter in half.
  impact destroy 0.39   The impact destroyed four train cars.
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