house fire 8.29   They died in a house fire.
  house price 5.92   They expected house prices to rise.
  house guest 5.20   We were house guests.
  house paint 3.16   It has no denim-toned house paint.
  house demolition 2.96   Israel offers to stop house demolitions.
  house search 2.96   Several house searches were also made.
  house plant 2.83   Or fake house plants.
  house owner 2.63   Are you now a house owner?
  house speaker 2.57   The house speaker does not vote.
  house key 2.50   I lost my house keys.
  house rule 2.24   Mr. Lennard ignored the house rules.
  house cat 2.17   They have a house cat.
  house committee 1.84   A lower house committee is already investigating.
  house sale 1.84   Road stands and packing house sales have begun.
  house band 1.78   There are different house bands five nights a week.
  house trailer 1.71   We see the house trailer.
  house wall 1.71   So, one cure is to insulate the house walls.
  house payment 1.65   I had three children and a house payment.
  house hunting 1.51   Their weekends are spent house hunting.
  house tour 1.51   Soon, she began the house tours.
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