heroic effort 4.34   But what a heroic effort!
  heroic figure 2.70   She portrayed him as a heroic figure.
  heroic act 1.58   Is this a heroic act?
  heroic deed 1.25   Indeed, nothing in his background suggests heroic deeds.
  heroic measure 0.79   No heroic measures.
  heroic action 0.72   The soldiers received medals for their heroic actions.
  heroic performance 0.72   He wants to have a heroic performance.
  heroic struggle 0.72   Garriott designs heroic struggles in which there are ramifications to actions.
  heroic character 0.66   I do have a hard time relating to heroic characters.
  heroic feat 0.66   Cats who might, when called upon, perform their own heroic feats.
  heroic battle 0.59   The heroic battles are over for Cunningham.
  heroic role 0.59   But those were heroic roles.
  heroic rescue 0.46   But there are no heroic rescues here, no amateurs among the men on the river that day.
  heroic resistance 0.46   For Croats, it symbolizes heroic resistance and forced exile.
  heroic comeback 0.39   One more time, a heroic comeback fell short.
  heroic image 0.39   Montana, like DiMaggio, has a heroic image.
  heroic man 0.39   Brokaw went on to write a current best-seller about heroic old white men.
  heroic moment 0.39   Like Buckner, Darman had his heroic moments.
  heroic proportion 0.39   He is, rather, a hypocrite of heroic proportions.
  heroic stature 0.39   His injuries, and the pain he played through, only enhanced his heroic stature.
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