hebrew letter 1.58   She is holding a sequence of Hebrew healing letters.
  hebrew school 1.51   I went to Hebrew school.
  hebrew language 1.25   The Hebrew language was good for some laughs Monday.
  hebrew word 1.05   Elohim is a Hebrew word for God.
  hebrew name 0.92   The parshas have Hebrew names and are read each week.
  hebrew song 0.92   Even the Hebrew song went off without a hitch.
  hebrew calendar 0.86   Thursday marked the Hebrew calendar anniversary of the assassination.
  hebrew class 0.72   He joined a temple, took Hebrew classes and joined an adult Bar Mitzvah group.
  hebrew prayer 0.66   As a finishing touch, he painted the text of a Hebrew prayer around the oval of the window.
  hebrew text 0.66   Others ripped apart Hebrew texts.
  hebrew blessing 0.59   They know the Hebrew blessings by heart.
  hebrew alphabet 0.53   The Hebrew alphabet, perhaps, or Arabic, or Cyrillic.
  hebrew prophet 0.53   As with the Hebrew prophets, there were no greys, no subtle shades.
  hebrew writing 0.46   The black strap of his sunglasses had Hebrew writing.
  hebrew lesson 0.39   Each time I started a Hebrew lesson, we were interrupted.
  hebrew press 0.33   Israel and Iraq have both repeatedly denied reports in the Hebrew press of secret contacts between the two countries.
  hebrew teacher 0.33   He joined a small circle of Hebrew teachers who held class in their apartments.
  hebrew acronym 0.26   The GSS is also known by its Hebrew acronym as Shin Bet.
  hebrew book 0.26   It was now a blackened ruin, and torn pages of Hebrew religious books were strewn on the ground.
  hebrew inscription 0.26   Hebrew inscriptions adorn the heavy wooden doors of the modest building.
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