headline writer 2.50   Headline writers call them the Wizards of Ov.
  headline news 2.04   The war was headline news.
  headline act 1.25   Philip Morris was the headline act.
  headline figure 0.59   But the headline sanction figures disguise a modest real impact.
  headline inflation 0.53   Headline inflation includes interest rates and one-off price shocks such as oil prices.
  headline rate 0.53   Higher oil prices certainly push up the headline inflation rate.
  headline index 0.33   While the headline indexes were rallying last week, the broader market also fared well.
  headline fodder 0.26   Not since Joey Buttafuoco had there been better headline fodder.
  headline grabber 0.26   As always, goalie Chilavert was the headline grabber.
  headline match 0.26   MOSCOW -- Scandanavian rivals Norway and Sweden play in the headline match on day two of the Izvestia Cup.
  headline number 0.26   As a result, he added, the headline numbers that companies report do have a significant effect on stock prices.
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