hardened criminal 4.08   This is not a hardened criminal.
  hardened veteran 1.25   They chatted with college students who were hardened veterans of video games.
  hardened steel 0.92   Masonry nails are made of hardened steel.
  hardened addict 0.66   The Swiss vote on government plans that include distributing heroin to hardened addicts.
  hardened lava 0.59   Park yourself on a hardened old lava ledge and prepare to gape.
  hardened position 0.59   But part of it is also the simple byproduct of the hardened positions they are taking.
  hardened man 0.46   He even gave them to the hardened men with whom he worked.
  hardened critic 0.33   Harding is a hardened critic.
  hardened killer 0.26   He took pains to present Banuelos as something other than a hardened killer.
  hardened politician 0.26   The verdict now is that while the hardened politicians of Ulster may not all like her, they respect her.
  hardened soldier 0.26   Even some hardened soldiers appear to have had enough.
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