handgun purchase 2.83   Opposes waiting periods for handgun purchases.
  handgun sale 1.65   Handgun sales are falling.
  handgun owner 1.45   Gore pushed the licensing of handgun owners.
  handgun buyer 1.25   Only handgun buyers were checked before.
  handgun law 0.99   Do concealed handgun laws save lives?
  handgun ownership 0.92   Britain has since banned handgun ownership.
  handgun control 0.86   Congress failed to legislate effective handgun controls.
  handgun permit 0.53   But in neighboring Pennsylvania, handgun permits are not required and firearms are not registered.
  handgun violence 0.53   One lid, on stopping handgun violence, almost cost Stonyfield some supermarket accounts.
  handgun ban 0.46   Hammer pointed out that Chicago has a handgun ban.
  handgun industry 0.39   It was not a blast through its heart, but anytime a wounded handgun industry hops on one leg, it makes my day.
  handgun license 0.39   Handgun licenses are difficult to get.
  handgun maker 0.33   U.S. city officials consider suing handgun makers.
  handgun manufacturer 0.33   He received no contributions from the handgun industry, although some handgun manufacturers are based in Connecticut.
  handgun ammunition 0.26   Fracker said the company found that demand for handgun ammunition at its store was nominal.
  handgun bill 0.26   The handgun bill, for example, may spark a fight in the House, where debate often is more free-wheeling than in the Senate.
  handgun purchaser 0.26   The first lady has called for a licensing system for handgun purchasers.
  handgun registration 0.26   Handgun registration came a year later.
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