hand of 273.93   I wash my hands of you.
  hand in 112.31   He had a hand in both goals.
  hand on 87.29   I laid a hand on his hair.
  hand with 82.49   Want a hand with it?
  hand over 42.20   We put our hands over our ears.
  hand to 38.84   He put a hand to his ear.
  hand at 33.38   She shoved her hand at him.
  hand for 16.98   And put out his hand for payment.
  hand out 12.90   He still had his hand out.
  hand from 11.78   Claudia withdrew her hand from his.
  hand into 11.52   He put his hands into the air.
  hand as 9.55   He has a steady hand as a coach.
  hand after 8.89   Wash your hands after using the toilet.
  hand through 8.76   He ran a hand through his hair.
  hand off 8.56   Hands off my coat!
  hand behind 8.16   I put my hands behind my back.
  hand by 6.85   Hands by Charmin, body by Brawny.
  hand before 6.52   Go wash your hands before dinner.
  hand during 5.33   Everybody held hands during grace.
  hand up 4.81   Hands up!
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