grind tooth 3.69   I grind my teeth.
  grind troop 3.55   Clinton still refusing to rule out ground troops.
  grind force 1.71   Strong sentiment against U.S. ground forces in Kosovo.
  grind pepper 1.65   Grind pepper over the meat.
  grind way 1.05   I ground my way around this course.
  grind plane 0.92   Tower Air refused to ground the plane.
  grind airline 0.86   Industry analysts say the delay could ground the airline permanently.
  grind aircraft 0.72   It cannot ground aircraft.
  grind beef 0.72   Lean ground beef.
  grind corn 0.72   Grind corn coarsely in food processor.
  grind seed 0.72   The Egyptians ground the seeds into flour.
  grind almond 0.59   Finely grind all almonds.
  grind attack 0.53   The SLORC launched artillery and ground attacks on several other positions as well.
  grind bean 0.53   Grind the beans to suit your coffee maker.
  grind controller 0.53   Still, Solovyev and Vinogradov won praise for their work from Russian ground controllers.
  grind poverty 0.53   These people deserve as much grinding poverty as we can provide them.
  grind flight 0.46   Or we can ground all flights to Planet Twinkie.
  grind spice 0.46   For Asian Mixture, finely grind all spices in a spice or electric grinder.
  grind ball 0.39   But Morrison ruled he failed to ground the ball.
  grind meat 0.39   Grind the meat twice.
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