grey hair 4.21 grey hair.
  grey suit 3.69   ...a grey suit.
  grey eye 3.29   A steady look from the grey eyes.
  grey area 2.90   There are no grey areas.
  grey sky 1.91   All I recollect is a grey sky.
  grey cloud 1.25   Heavy grey clouds hung low in the sky.
  grey squirrel 1.12   And Sophia said she had a grey squirrel fur coat too.
  grey blanket 0.59   There is a grey blanket missing.
  grey building 0.59 inconspicuous grey building.
  grey flannel 0.59   Both were wearing grey flannel trousers and pale beige or fawn linen jackets.
  grey man 0.59   A grey man, thought Shamlou.
  grey matter 0.59   There is considerable grey matter to consider.
  grey uniform 0.59   No one gave the woman in the grey uniform a second glance.
  grey wall 0.59   Behind a grey stone wall lay a little pool.
  grey seal 0.53   The island is also home to a colony of grey seals.
  grey business 0.46   Botha, wearing a grey business suit, looked on impassively.
  grey day 0.46   It was a miserable grey day.
  grey mist 0.46   A grey mist hung over the water.
  grey sock 0.46   Through the gap at the end her thick grey sock protruded.
  grey beard 0.39   Yoshida is a slight, quiet man with a grey beard.
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