graze cattle 1.38   The land is now being used to graze cattle.
  graze head 1.32   After it grazed his head, Mott threw Olajuwon out.
  graze knee 0.72   I had grazed my knees a little.
  graze animal 0.66   In the West, grazing animals help maintain grassland.
  graze livestock 0.66   Villagers often take that route to graze their livestock.
  graze face 0.39   A fifth bullet grazed his face.
  graze leg 0.39   A bullet also grazed the leg of a trainer.
  graze cheek 0.33   At the last moment, I hold back and my hand grazes his cheek.
  graze cow 0.33   I grazed my cows.
  graze forehead 0.33   Norris went down from a light jab, got up, then went down a final time from a punch that barely grazed his forehead.
  graze lung 0.33   A bullet had struck his torso and grazed a lung.
  graze neck 0.33   When Sweeney put himself between the two, the knife grazed his neck.
  graze outside 0.33   But the angle proved too tight and his shot grazed the outside of the far post.
  graze rim 0.33   It barely grazed the rim.
  graze sheep 0.33   Grazing sheep and growling bears.
  graze arm 0.26   A bullet grazed his arm.
  graze ear 0.26   His first shot grazed its ear, and when the animal raised a hoof to scratch it, his second arrow pinned ear and hoof together.
  graze land 0.26   With less and less grazing land available, growers must rely on expensive cornmeal as fodder.
  graze side 0.26   It grazed the side of the rim and came off as the buzzer sounded.
  graze top 0.26   A bullet grazed the top of his head.
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