grassroots level 3.55   Baseball, at the grassroots level.
  grassroots movement 2.50   Laskar Jihad is not a grassroots movement.
  grassroots group 2.44   Some grassroots groups have joined forces.
  grassroots organization 2.24   Grassroots organizations tend to get more accomplished, Cerf said.
  grassroots support 1.71   There is tremendous grassroots support for this.
  grassroots effort 1.32   It was a true grassroots effort.
  grassroots campaign 1.25   Chirac ran a vigorous grassroots campaign.
  grassroots activist 0.59   The award honors grassroots environmental activists from six major regions of the world.
  grassroots democracy 0.59   He promised peace, reconciliation and a drive for grassroots democracy.
  grassroots supporter 0.59   Impatience among grassroots supporters has been growing.
  grassroots action 0.39   It appeared to be a grassroots action.
  grassroots activism 0.39   On the Internet, grassroots activism has, quite literally, been electrified.
  grassroots opposition 0.39   There has also been mounting grassroots opposition to Aristide within his own party.
  grassroots party 0.39   That kind of grassroots party sprouts in many of our departments and is enjoyed.
  grassroots protest 0.39   The success of grassroots protests against APEC and its members has been spotty.
  grassroots leader 0.33   But they found grassroots leaders who were far superior to the slobs they had been electing over the years.
  grassroots pressure 0.33   Grassroots pressure is continuing as well.
  grassroots politics 0.26   But this would take us back to grassroots politics.
  grassroots program 0.26   He became a consultant for Nike, primarily in its grassroots basketball programs.
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