governmental agency 4.74   Governmental agencies.
  governmental body 3.03   In some respects, governmental bodies enjoy the same freedom of action.
  governmental affair 1.84   He had been vice president, governmental affairs.
  governmental power 1.65   Is governmental power limited in other ways?
  governmental entity 1.45   Governmental entities won six of seven cases in which they were primary defendants.
  governmental authority 1.38   And in the absence of governmental authority, these disputes become deadly.
  governmental policy 1.18   Once approved, these are used as the basis for governmental policy review.
  governmental administration 0.99   Zedillo should also get a firmer grip on governmental administration.
  governmental institution 0.99   He also called for a streamlining of cost-heavy governmental institutions.
  governmental structure 0.92   So also did the governmental structures of the Merovingian kingdom.
  governmental action 0.86   She said too much governmental action could hinder free trade.
  governmental interest 0.86   Next, we ask whether the asserted governmental interest is substantial.
  governmental approval 0.79   The final transaction is still subject to governmental approval.
  governmental effort 0.79   But governmental efforts to relieve the problem have been tardy and uncoordinated.
  governmental organisation 0.79   Governmental organisations would be well advised to do the same thing.
  governmental regulation 0.72   The investigation could also result in increased governmental regulation.
  governmental commission 0.66   In addition, a Russian governmental commission is due to leave Friday for Spitsberg, said Moscow Echo radio.
  governmental function 0.66   Most choose to use that money for economic development and other governmental functions.
  governmental level 0.66   At the governmental level, many countries have to make key legislative changes.
  governmental intervention 0.59   The issue for him is the worrisome trend of governmental intervention.
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