good be 10.07   Good like rice be,
  good luck 6.32   And good luck.
  good come 5.79   But some good came of it.
  good chance 1.51   Yeah but you see that was a good chance you know.
  good have 1.12   Have a good what?
  good work 1.12   Good Works.
  good go 0.99   I felt good going in.
  good reason 0.99   Good reasons all.
  good question 0.92   Good question.
  good move 0.79   Good moves.
  good place 0.79   Good place.
  good look 0.72   Had a good look!
  good outweigh 0.72   But the good far outweighed the bad.
  good stuff 0.72   Good Stuff!
  good triumph 0.72   On this show, good triumphs over evil.
  good do 0.66   What good does that do?
  good job 0.66   Good job, son.
  good say 0.66   Good says most gadget purchases are spurred by hype and status.
  good start 0.59   Good start?
  good feel 0.53   The good feel of wilderness.
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