god be 5.33   Gods are male.
  god smile 0.92   The football gods are smiling.
  god have 0.86   The baseball gods have a sick sense of humor.
  god know 0.53   Only the sports gods know for sure.
  god give 0.39   Sunday, the gods gave them a running game.
  god appear 0.33   Then this absent god suddenly appears and orates for hours at a stretch.
  god play 0.33   And gods no longer play baseball.
  god seem 0.33   The old gods of labor seemed to be on his side.
  god take 0.33   The gods take sides and interfere crazily.
  god want 0.33   This is something the gods wanted.
  god bring 0.26   In retaliation, the gods bring down a plague on the city.
  god come 0.26   Gods in the sky change, gods come and go,
  god conspire 0.26   Even the baseball gods are conspiring against the Cubs.
  god do 0.26   Most gods do.
  god send 0.26   Maybe the gods do send warnings.
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