gambler be 1.32   Gamblers are incorrigible optimists.
  gambler have 1.12   Gamblers have a different take.
  gambler win 0.72   So far, the gamblers are winning.
  gambler bet 0.66   Gamblers also can bet on Maryland races other than those at Laurel Park.
  gambler place 0.59   Bookmakers said gamblers have placed hundreds of thousands of dollars on an opposition win.
  gambler play 0.53   If the gamblers play big, the casino pays the perks.
  gambler use 0.53   Most gamblers use bookmakers who they know and trust.
  gambler get 0.46   How desperate do gamblers get?
  gambler lose 0.39   That means fewer gamblers were losing more money.
  gambler go 0.33   Young gamblers go through stacks of million-ruble chips like kids eating candy.
  gambler take 0.33   The money our big-shot gamblers take overseas will stay here.
  gambler deduct 0.26   Under current tax law, gamblers can deduct losses from their winnings, reducing their tax bills substantially.
  gambler feel 0.26   The gamblers feel the same way.
  gambler seem 0.26   Compulsive gamblers seem to have vulnerable dopamine systems.
  gambler try 0.26   Despite the strike, gamblers could still try their luck.
  gambler wager 0.26   Gamblers can wager on almost anything.
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