gain be 54.25   There will still be gains.
  gain come 14.68   The gains come at a price.
  gain offset 5.27   The profit gains offset higher taxes.
  gain help 4.81   One-time gains will also help.
  gain lead 4.34   Its gains led to further sharp gains among the technology sector.
  gain boost 3.23   The apparel gains boosted retail stocks.
  gain reflect 3.23   All the gains reflect seasonal patterns.
  gain continue 2.04   The gains could continue into next year.
  gain make 1.91   Tin consolidated gains made on Wednesdsay.
  gain buoy 1.71   Early trading was marked by a stronger peso, buoyed by gains in the yen.
  gain have 1.58   For example, weight gain has little to do with perimenopause.
  gain follow 1.51   The gain follows a rise overnight on Wall Street.
  gain support 1.32   The market was supported by gains for banks.
  gain encourage 1.12   Investors in Japan may also be encouraged by gains in U.S. stocks, traders said.
  gain fuel 1.05   The increase was fueled by gains in the South, Midwest and West.
  gain go 1.05   The big gains went to the really rich.
  gain lift 0.99   Both companies were lifted by gains in U.S. stocks.
  gain depend 0.92   Further gains will depend on Tokyo stocks, analysts said.
  gain outweigh 0.92   Gains slightly outweighed losses.
  gain bolster 0.86   French stocks rose, bolstered by gains in U.S. shares.
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