fugitive leader 3.62   The focus is now on the three remaining fugitive leaders.
  fugitive financier 3.49   Fugitive financier goes on trial.
  fugitive slave 1.78   Fugitive slaves left few traces for fear of jeopardizing other escapees.
  fugitive terrorist 1.65   The accident killed a fugitive terrorist and a police chief.
  fugitive warrant 1.25   The FBI has obtained a federal fugitive warrant.
  fugitive banker 1.12   Fugitive banker captured in Australia.
  fugitive businessman 0.86   Fugitive Saudi Arabian businessman Osama bin Laden and the Taliban government of Afghanistan are among the primary targets being mentioned.
  fugitive suspect 0.66   Ironically, two fugitive suspects both have links to Iraq.
  fugitive rebel 0.59   Fugitive military rebels emerged from three years of hiding and began peace talks.
  fugitive son 0.53   Police arrest fugitive son of former dictator Suharto, officers say.
  fugitive billionaire 0.46   You have to be a fugitive billionaire with great political connections to get that sweet a plea bargain.
  fugitive militant 0.46   Nevertheless, during their spell in the desert the policemen managed to find fugitive militants.
  fugitive governor 0.39   Fugitive Mexican governor Mario Villanueva, suspected of protecting drug smugglers, arrested, attorney general said.
  fugitive agent 0.33   A fugitive second agent was shot dead by South Korean soldiers.
  fugitive brother 0.33   But news reports have him financing his fugitive brother.
  fugitive congressman 0.33   A fugitive PRI congressman has been named as the mastermind in the killing.
  fugitive drug 0.33   Saritchai said the suspects may have had links with fugitive drug warlord Wei Hsueh-Kang, but did not elaborate.
  fugitive felon 0.33   Is Father Terry really a priest, or is he a fugitive felon?
  fugitive gunman 0.33   Palestinian police fought Muslim militants Friday during an attempt to arrest a fugitive gunman, witnesses said.
  fugitive member 0.33   Siemund, Schubbert and two fugitive ETA members are thought to have lived in the Madrid apartment, police say.
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