frontal assault 3.82   A full frontal assault right in the snout.
  frontal boundary 3.55   The stationary frontal boundary stretched from Texas into North Carolina.
  frontal system 2.96   A complex frontal system will cross the Rockies.
  frontal nudity 2.44   Frontal nudity.
  frontal trough 1.84   Pre- frontal trough ahead of the front.
  frontal attack 1.51   There will be more ambushes and frontal attacks.
  frontal crash 0.66   This is known as a frontal offset crash.
  frontal zone 0.59   An unusually strong temperature contrast will occur across the frontal zone.
  frontal collision 0.39   Frontal collisions are less deadly than side-impact crashes.
  frontal cortex 0.39   But the size of the frontal cortex as compared with the rest of the cerebral hemisphere barely differed among the top primates.
  frontal area 0.33   Input from the frontal area of the brain helps override the fear.
  frontal view 0.33   The first two police drawings were frontal views.
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