fresh in 8.43   McGWIRE MANIA FRESH IN L.A.
  fresh out_of 5.40   I was fresh out of college.
  fresh for 4.67   It keeps it fresh for us.
  fresh as 3.88   Buy corn as fresh as possible.
  fresh off 3.69   A car, fresh off the assembly line.
  fresh with 1.25   He started getting fresh with me.
  fresh after 0.99   He looked surprisingly fresh after the race.
  fresh on 0.72   His breath was warm and fresh on her lips.
  fresh by 0.59   Keep foods fresh by keeping cold foods cold and hot foods hot.
  fresh about 0.33   But research implies something fresh about the material we obtain.
  fresh during 0.33   Use them as containers to keep sandwiches fresh during a party.
  fresh at 0.26   Is he always fresh at the same time of day?
  fresh without 0.26   Pete came to the music fresh without being a gushing fan.
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