fragrant flower 1.71   The fragrant flowers are white.
  fragrant rice 0.99   Currently, Thai fragrant rice is popular in overseas markets.
  fragrant herb 0.72   You also, of course, can use this fragrant herb in potpourri.
  fragrant bloom 0.66   The fragrant blooms are usually the attraction.
  fragrant blossom 0.59   Our house was always filled with bouquets of fragrant blossoms.
  fragrant plant 0.59   Fragrant plants are a must.
  fragrant rose 0.39   The most fragrant roses are damask roses.
  fragrant spice 0.33   A plain pork roast gets a boost from this fragrant spice rub.
  fragrant steam 0.33   The fragrant steam made his mouth water.
  fragrant aroma 0.26   When it is stepped on, it releases a fragrant aroma.
  fragrant jasmine 0.26   You have to head south to enjoy brilliant bougainvillea and fragrant jasmine.
  fragrant leaf 0.26   Basil is a bushy annual with fragrant leaves.
  fragrant oil 0.26   ...fragrant oils and perfumes.
  fragrant sauce 0.26   The ragout should not be dry but should be bathed in a fragrant sauce.
  fragrant smell 0.26   That lovely, rich fragrant smell of the forest enveloped us.
  fragrant tree 0.26   People looking for a fragrant tree would be happiest with a balsam fir, she said.
  fragrant wine 0.26   ...a wonderfully fragrant wine which has no rivals in the Rhone.
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