foreman land 3.36   Foreman landed a jab.
  foreman say 3.36   Foreman said.
  foreman be 1.97   Foreman is proof of that.
  foreman have 0.79   Foreman had his opinion.
  foreman win 0.59   Foreman won the fight.
  foreman ask 0.46   Foreman asked.
  foreman dig 0.46   Foreman dug two rights to the body and a hard left.
  foreman fight 0.46   Foreman also is fighting at his own pace.
  foreman get_in 0.46   Foreman got in two jabs.
  foreman want 0.39   Foreman wants to know.
  foreman lose 0.33   Foreman lost his balance coming out, but recovered and got in a jab.
  foreman make 0.33   Foreman made it.
  foreman refuse 0.33   Foreman refused to complain.
  foreman tell 0.33   The foreman then told Adams to do it.
  foreman announce 0.26   The jury foreman announced they had found the man guilty of three of the six charges of child molestation.
  foreman become 0.26   Foreman became the oldest man to win a championship in any weight class.
  foreman call 0.26   The foreman then called police.
  foreman hold 0.26   Foreman still holds the fringe World Boxing Union title, which he defended Sunday.
  foreman look 0.26   Foreman was looking old.
  foreman read 0.26   The foreman read the verdict of guilty fourteen times, one for each defendant.
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