forceful action 1.97   It is a forceful action.
  forceful advocate 1.32   He has been a forceful advocate for stronger clean air standards.
  forceful personality 1.12   He has a very forceful personality.
  forceful presence 0.79   His forceful presence might have made a difference.
  forceful statement 0.66   MoMA and its public require that art make a forceful statement.
  forceful case 0.59   All three tried to make the most forceful case for their candidacy.
  forceful leader 0.59   Few of them even pretend that they consider Hastert a forceful leader.
  forceful role 0.59   With thousands of peacekeepers in the area, London and Paris seek a more forceful U.N. role.
  forceful approach 0.53   Governments should adopt a more forceful approach to improve the environment.
  forceful argument 0.53   They have made a forceful argument in favor of changing the system.
  forceful leadership 0.53   Giuliani boasted that his forceful leadership had averted a strike.
  forceful language 0.46   In much more forceful language, Bush agreed.
  forceful defense 0.39   Bush offered a forceful defense of such programs.
  forceful denial 0.39   His speech Sunday night was a more forceful denial of the allegations.
  forceful measure 0.39   The government has threatened to use more forceful measures if necessary.
  forceful response 0.39   But both ordinary citizens and the government are forging a forceful response.
  forceful way 0.39   By excommunicating Balasuriya, the Vatican has sent its message in an even more forceful way.
  forceful character 0.33   He was a man of forceful character, with considerable insight and diplomatic skills.
  forceful policy 0.33   But putting in place a more forceful policy toward the Bosnian Serbs will not be easy.
  forceful speech 0.33   Thatcher raised the temperature with a forceful speech Tuesday.
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