follow suit 145.56   We must all follow suit.
  follow lead 47.99   And Dole followed that lead.
  follow report 44.77   Bond yields fell following the reports.
  follow meeting 42.20   A reception will follow the meeting.
  follow attack 41.61   A long period of recuperation followed the attack.
  follow series 32.26   The move follows a series of takeovers this year.
  follow rule 26.27   Follow the rules.
  follow example 26.07   Her son followed her example.
  follow procedure 24.69   Just follow this procedure.
  follow death 24.56   Grief following any death can last a lifetime.
  follow order 23.83   I followed orders.
  follow talk 23.50   Breakthrough could follow secret talks.
  follow arrest 21.59   A two-bit arrest was followed by another.
  follow advice 20.47   He had followed his advice.
  follow announcement 20.28   Clashes followed the announcement.
  follow incident 19.03   Other shootings have followed that incident.
  follow release 19.03   Controversy follows prisoner release.
  follow instruction 18.63   Follow instructions.
  follow surgery 18.17   Surgery is followed by radiation.
  follow collapse 16.33   A number of developments followed the collapse of the Taylor trial.
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