floor be 28.18   Floors are dirt.
  floor have 4.94   So has the floor.
  floor collapse 2.90   Two floors completely collapsed.
  floor become 1.05   The top floor will become a library.
  floor crumble 0.86   Its floor is crumbling, its paint peeling.
  floor remain 0.86   The signature black-and-white checkerboard floor will remain.
  floor seem 0.79   The floor seemed to give way beneath her.
  floor begin 0.72   The floors began creaking.
  floor house 0.72   The bottom floor housed the local Muzak operation.
  floor need 0.72   The floor needs mopping.
  floor shake 0.66   The floor shook.
  floor come 0.59   Then came the floor.
  floor buckle 0.53   Floors were buckling.
  floor creak 0.53   The floors creak.
  floor make 0.53   --Light-colored floors can make a space look larger.
  floor cave_in 0.46   From top to bottom, floors caved in.
  floor contain 0.46   The top floor contains an exercise room.
  floor fall 0.46   But watch out below when the floor falls in.
  floor get 0.46   The floor has got to go.
  floor look 0.46   Q. My brick foyer floor looks great.
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