flight be 56.62   Are flights safer?
  flight resume 8.43   Flights never resumed.
  flight take 7.44   The flight took five days.
  flight originate 5.53   The flight originated in New York.
  flight arrive 5.27   The flight arrived via London.
  flight leave 5.20   The flight left without them.
  flight land 5.07   All the flights landed safely.
  flight continue 4.87   Some flights have continued.
  flight have 4.87   Airplane flights had to wait.
  flight begin 3.82   Late flights began to mount.
  flight go 3.62   Still the flight went on.
  flight operate 3.09   The flight operated with three classes.
  flight carry 2.44   The flight also carried a crew of eight.
  flight come 2.11   Flights currently come only at night.
  flight depart 2.04   Return flights will depart Tuesdays and Saturdays.
  flight stop 1.71   All flights stop in Reykjavik.
  flight end 1.58   Those flights ended Wednesday.
  flight start 1.58   Flights will start again this week.
  flight remain 1.45   All other flights remained grounded.
  flight make 1.25   The flight also made a stop in Abu Dhabi.
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