flagrant foul 13.69   No flagrant fouls.
  flagrant violation 1.91   Flagrant violations occur without so much as an investigation.
  flagrant abuse 0.86   Nor have the most flagrant abuses entirely disappeared.
  flagrant case 0.72   It takes a fairly flagrant case for charges to be filed.
  flagrant point 0.66   At that point, they get three flagrant foul points without penalty.
  flagrant violator 0.59   He is a multiple, flagrant violator of immigration laws.
  flagrant breach 0.46   The reported air raid was a flagrant breach of the no-fly zone over Bosnia.
  flagrant call 0.26   The flagrant call was made by Delaney.
  flagrant disregard 0.26   Poison gas was used, in flagrant disregard of the Geneva Convention.
  flagrant example 0.26   She holds up movie maker Woody Allen as a flagrant example of a sexist Jewish male.
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