file charge 167.81   But no charges were filed.
  file lawsuit 157.67   At least King could file a lawsuit.
  file suit 151.22   Both Holts filed suit against JTM.
  file complaint 102.37   Bravely she filed a complaint.
  file appeal 41.94   File appeal with NCAA.
  file motion 32.39   His lawyer filed a motion for a mistrial.
  file report 30.74   How would you file a report?
  file claim 28.11   At least eight women filed claims.
  file petition 22.25   A combined petition was filed.
  file paper 19.35   Papers were filed in Los Angeles.
  file case 19.03   One other case was filed in December.
  file brief 15.21   She must file her brief by Thursday.
  file application 14.68   They were tardy in filing the application.
  file grievance 12.71   Smith might file a grievance.
  file protest 11.06   They file protests.
  file request 11.06   ALPA filed its request Thursday.
  file document 8.89   Then how did the document get filed?
  file return 7.97   File current returns.
  file bill 7.44   No bill has been filed.
  file notice 6.06   Rudolf immediately filed notice of appeal.
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