fiery speech 4.87   He concluded his team would not respond to a fiery speech or tantrum.
  fiery rhetoric 3.69   Such fiery rhetoric is typically aimed at Democrats.
  fiery crash 2.17   He then saw a fiery crash.
  fiery temper 1.51   He has a fiery temper.
  fiery debate 1.45   The fiery debate in Ithaca mirrors battles across the country.
  fiery explosion 1.45   Witnesses reported seeing a fiery explosion.
  fiery leader 1.45   But along the way, they lost fiery leader Shea Ralph.
  fiery temperament 1.32   Football, at least at many positions, demands a fiery temperament.
  fiery orator 1.12   Jones was a fiery orator and deep conservative like his father.
  fiery sermon 1.12   A fiery sermon on the evils of demon rum.
  fiery personality 0.79   He said he intends to have his fiery personality rub off on his team.
  fiery red 0.72   More like fiery red, actually.
  fiery attack 0.66   Bisagno launched a fiery attack on the plan during convention debate.
  fiery death 0.66   There he also was unable to save the driver from a fiery death.
  fiery end 0.66   But scholars still debate how the building came to its fiery end.
  fiery coach 0.59   But they were molded by fiery coach Herb Brooks.
  fiery statement 0.59   It is not about grabbing headlines or giving fiery statements.
  fiery food 0.53   Like a nuclear arms race, fiery foods keep getting more explosive.
  fiery government 0.53   Kenya plans to allow a fiery government critic to return home, newspapers reported Friday.
  fiery nature 0.53   Intensity and fiery nature a disruptive influence.
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