festering problem 1.45   I do regard this as a festering social problem.
  festering wound 1.18   Some had festering wounds.
  festering dispute 0.92   The festering dispute of a public or secret vote remained undecided.
  festering sore 0.72   Corruption remains a festering sore.
  festering issue 0.46   There are no festering personal issues, at least when it comes to contracts.
  festering border 0.33   On Thursday, Meles announced acceptance of a four-point proposal by the United States and Rwanda to end a festering border conflict peacefully.
  festering controversy 0.33   The insider-trading case also revisits a long festering controversy.
  festering insurgency 0.26   Rampant corruption, poor development and a festering Maoist insurgency were key issues in the election.
  festering resentment 0.26   Along the way, the men reminisce, stop in pubs, fight over festering resentments, stop in more pubs, and fight some more.
  festering war 0.26   Crises persist, and in some countries festering war and durable dictators block progress.
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