expressed concern 6.91   Mediate also expressed concern.
  expressed interest 2.70   Slim expressed interest in helping finance the deal.
  expressed optimism 2.70   Still, some expressed optimism the new bond would sell even with the low coupon.
  expressed confidence 2.30   Makinen, expressed confidence that everything would go well.
  expressed regret 1.97   He has since expressed regret over the comment.
  expressed skepticism 1.97   Russian arms control analysts expressed skepticism about the accord.
  expressed disappointment 1.84   Some of the teachers freed Friday expressed disappointment that the contract remained unresolved.
  expressed hope 1.78   He had expressed hope that an autonomy plan would be finished by Friday.
  expressed support 1.78   Only a few expressed enthusiastic support.
  expressed surprise 1.71   Japan has expressed surprise that Russian missiles were ever aimed its way.
  expressed doubt 1.25   However, some member countries questioned expressed doubt.
  expressed fear 1.25   Some have expressed fears about Vice President Joseph Estrada taking over.
  expressed frustration 1.12   She later acknowledged that the razor mailings were wrong but expressed frustration that these get all the attention.
  expressed outrage 1.12   Not one expressed outrage over what Grant had done.
  expressed reservation 1.12   Others, too, who had expressed reservation have been won over.
  expressed desire 0.92   In spite of his expressed desire to soak up atmosphere, he did not feel at home there.
  expressed satisfaction 0.86   Devine expressed satisfaction Wednesday morning with the current level of inventories.
  expressed shock 0.86   Americans privately collected his art but publicly expressed shock about it.
  expressed dismay 0.79   Political leaders on the left expressed dismay.
  expressed relief 0.66   Those leaving expressed relief.
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