explosive device 57.87   The wheel could have controlled an explosive device.
  explosive growth 15.27   Explosive growth.
  explosive issue 9.15   Inflation is another explosive issue.
  explosive material 8.36   Police seized explosive material.
  explosive charge 7.57   Explosive charges were being laid.
  explosive situation 4.28   King warns of explosive situation.
  explosive offense 2.83   We want to have an explosive offense. . . .
  explosive power 2.57   The offense still has explosive power.
  explosive expert 2.04   Chechen explosive experts organized the dynamiting.
  explosive chemical 1.71   A tell-tale list of explosive chemicals.
  explosive powder 1.71   But there was no explosive powder inside.
  explosive detection 1.38   Also to be decided is where the explosive detection machines should go.
  explosive force 1.38   The fire expanded with explosive force and speed.
  explosive substance 1.38   The three also deny possessing an explosive substance, triacetone triperoxide.
  explosive gas 1.25   But in the tanks, that chemical was converted to an explosive gas.
  explosive residue 1.18   Dogs trained to detect explosive residue were sniffing the ruins of the building, Iliano said.
  explosive temper 1.18   Harris is a belligerent man with an explosive temper.
  explosive player 0.99   Not an explosive player.
  explosive team 0.99   Talk about an explosive team.
  explosive vapor 0.99   The less fuel in the tank, the more potentially explosive vapors.
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