exploit opportunity 4.15   Gus Dur needs to exploit this opportunity.
  exploit weakness 3.42   They exploit your weaknesses.
  exploit worker 3.42   Does that mean that American workers are exploited?
  exploit loophole 3.36   But loopholes are still exploited.
  exploit situation 3.09   How best to exploit the situation?
  exploit child 2.96   Child labor is where children are exploited.
  exploit resource 1.84   Lumber and energy companies want to exploit its resources.
  exploit difference 1.78   Yeltsin tried to exploit their differences.
  exploit division 1.78   The industry will doubtless exploit any divisions.
  exploit issue 1.65   The Democrats assiduously exploit the issue.
  exploit technology 1.65   And all are struggling to exploit the technology.
  exploit fact 1.38   Bigamous males simply exploit the fact that females are in a hurry.
  exploit woman 1.32   Not when it exploits women.
  exploit fear 1.25   Priests were not always above exploiting the fear.
  exploit position 1.12   Not getting up was his way of exploiting his position.
  exploit reserve 1.05   Whether the reserves can be exploited is another matter.
  exploit potential 0.99   Still, Anixter has only begun to exploit its potential.
  exploit tragedy 0.99   Were the Republicans exploiting tragedy?
  exploit market 0.92   Farmers have been slow to exploit this market.
  exploit flaw 0.79   He exploited his flaws -- his pedantry, obstinacy, self-involvement -- to make a masterpiece.
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