expansion be 21.86   Expansion is more like it.
  expansion continue 3.09   And still the expansion continues.
  expansion come 3.03   Expansion is coming.
  expansion take 1.97   Perry told them expansion will take some time.
  expansion go 1.71   The CHIP expansion is going really well.
  expansion have 1.51   Expansion has risks.
  expansion include 1.32   The expansion will include a new clubhouse and lodging.
  expansion slow 1.25   At home, expansion is slowing.
  expansion make 1.12   Expansion had made the old standing rivalries lack substance.
  expansion bring 1.05   But that same expansion has brought new concerns.
  expansion create 1.05   Analysts said an overly rapid expansion could create safety hazards.
  expansion help 1.05   NATO expansion would help assure that.
  expansion lead 0.99   Expansion leads to younger players becoming NHL players.
  expansion plan 0.99   The union supports the expansion plans, said union secretary Gabriel Moreta.
  expansion begin 0.92   In baseball, expansion began as a political tool.
  expansion occur 0.79   It sees that the expansion will probably occur.
  expansion allow 0.72   - He hopes future expansion will allow TWA to rehire employees who are laid off.
  expansion appear 0.72   Expansion sometimes appears haphazard.
  expansion cause 0.72   Expansion could cause problems, however.
  expansion mean 0.72   Expansion means more teams, which means diluted pitching.
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