expanded role 5.27   Williams will undertake an expanded role.
  expanded trade 3.95   Bono and his advisers said they are all for expanded trade.
  expanded use 2.50   Consumer advocates are fighting the expanded use of credit scoring.
  expanded program 2.04   The sign-up period for the expanded program begins Monday.
  expanded power 1.97   Chechen president asks parliament for expanded powers.
  expanded service 1.91   Cutie said the expanded service was an outgrowth of the new contract.
  expanded coverage 1.65   Today The Chronicle introduces expanded wine coverage.
  expanded force 1.65   Expanded Kosovo force would rebuild tattered province.
  expanded access 1.25   Opportunity refers to expanded access to higher education.
  expanded playoff 1.25   But contend, even in this age of expanded playoffs?
  expanded operation 1.18   He pledged expanded operations by anti-Castro Radio Marti.
  expanded version 1.18   An expanded version is planned next year.
  expanded authority 0.99   The expanded authority is subject to consultation with Western leaders.
  expanded market 0.99   That expanded market will further economize on costs.
  expanded right 0.99   It has also demanded expanded rights for Japanese carriers in the U.S. market.
  expanded benefit 0.92   How can anyone pledge expanded benefits to a contracted program?
  expanded alliance 0.86   The concern is that an expanded alliance could isolate Russia.
  expanded cooperation 0.86   The two then began talks on expanded economic cooperation.
  expanded effort 0.79   But they indicated they might even favor expanded church efforts at catechism and moral education.
  expanded no-fly 0.79   Ralston said the expanded no-fly zone includes two Iraqi air bases and a training facility.
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