exist in 132.98   The same connection exists in FE.
  exist for 44.77   And patents exist for good reasons.
  exist on 28.37   Does life exist on Mars?
  exist between 26.27   A safer distance existed between them.
  exist as 16.26   It exists as a blueprint.
  exist at 11.52   Neither existed at the time.
  exist before 8.03   It existed well before him.
  exist within 6.65   He exists within his own code.
  exist among 6.32   An old joke exists among South Carolinians.
  exist with 5.60   And it exists with Tracy managing.
  exist without 5.20   We can exist without baseball.
  exist of 4.02   These rules exist outside of us.
  exist outside 3.42   These rules exist outside of us.
  exist under 3.36   Collective bargaining hardly existed under de Gaulle.
  exist to 2.83   Threats exist to privacy and data.
  exist about 2.37   No consensus exists about what constitutes pornography.
  exist throughout 2.11   Right-wing parties exist throughout Europe.
  exist since 1.91   The condition must have existed since childhood.
  exist because_of 1.65   Christmas exists because of women.
  exist during 1.65   This wish existed during Communist times, too, but it had no substance.
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